Contact Cunard
Can't find what you are looking for? Try our frequently asked questions.
Alternatively, you can email our Customer Service department using our online contact form below, or call us on (800) 728-6273 during our opening hours.
Our Call Center hours:
Monday–Friday: 6:00am–5:00pm PT (9:00am–8:00pm ET)
Saturday/Sunday: 6:00am–3:30pm PT (9:00am–6:30pm ET)
During this time it is our intention to respond to guests in a timely manner, however, we would ask for your patience as it may take us longer than normal to respond during a time of unprecedented volumes. We will do all we can to ensure we maintain a high level of service to you, that is our absolute priority.
Click here to learn more about brochures for the US and Canada.
Lost and Found
For an item you've lost or found, please call (800) 728-6273.
For missing or damaged luggage, please call (800) 728-6273.
Pre-Voyage questions
For questions about hotel packages, pricing inquiries, or hotel locations, please contact your local Travel Advisor or call us at (800) 728-6273 for assistance.
A Cunard Cruise Vacation Planner is a great resource to help direct you through the steps of booking everything from your cruise to choosing your stateroom, reserving shore excursions, hotel stays and more.
To consult a Cruise Vacation Planner, please fill out the form below or call (800) 468-7752 for assistance. After submitting your email, a Cunard Cruise Vacation Planner will contact you within one business day to help you plan your trip.
Your state-specific CunardCare® information may be obtained at
Click here to learn more
Click here to learn more.
You can give feedback, leave comments and report website issues using the black 'Feedback' tab to the left of this page (please do not include any personal information when filling out this form).
If you are having problems viewing itineraries or booking online, please refer to our helpful 'how to book' guide, which may help you during the online booking process.
If you are having problems locating FCC or applying it to a booking, we have a helpful FCC guide that may also be of use.
If you are having problems logging in to My Cunard, please call (800) 728-6273 for assistance.