Special offers

Do not miss these limited-time offers. You can experience a luxurious voyage with Cunard to some of the most incredible destinations while making a special saving.

Sailing Soon Savings Featured Voyages

Save now with reduced fares* on your luxury cruise aboard a Cunard Queen.

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Our Lowest Fare cruise deals

Experience Cunard’s exceptional White Star Service® at the lowest possible fare. Our Lowest Fare offers extra savings on select voyages, provided you're happy to be flexible with your dining time and stateroom assignment. We'll still do our best to accommodate your dining and stateroom preferences.

Grill Suites offer

Drinks Package* & Hotel and Dining Service Charge* are included when you book to stay on board in a Queens Grill Suite or Princess Grill Suite on voyages of 5 nights or longer.

Make your dream voyage a reality with your Future Cruise Credit