
Let's start with introductions! What is your name, and what is your role on board Queen Mary 2?
I'm Christian Simon, and I'm a bartender: creating beautiful cocktails for our lovely guests!
My name is Heltran Jay Panaguiton, I come from the Philippines, and I'm a Quartermaster in the Bridge team.
I am Sarah May Salvador, and I'm a Hotel Assistant in Queen Mary 2's housekeeping department.
My name is Kurt Russel, and I'm a waiter in Queen Mary 2's Britannia Restaurant.
Christian: what is the most popular cocktail on board?
CS: Probably the classic Cosmopolitan, many of our guests love to order it. We even have a mocktail version, and the recipe is online so guests can try it at home too!
Heltran, you must have seen a lot from the Bridge! What's the most exciting thing you've seen?
HP: Whales and dolphins!
Kurt, one for you: where would you say is the best place to sit in Queen Mary 2's Britannia Restaurant?
KR: I would choose the Captain's table. It's a large round table to seat 10-12 right in the centre.
How many World Voyages have you been on with Cunard?
CS: 2023 will be my sixth World Voyage with Cunard!
HP: My first World Voyage was in 2009; 2023 will be my tenth.
SS: Just one: This is my first!
KR: Me too: 2023 is my first one, and a dream come true for me after years of waiting.
Which destinations are you most excited to visit on the 2023 World Voyage?
CS: Probably Syndey and Adelaide. Later on we will visit Cape Town too, which is truly a beautiful place.
HP: Singapore!
SS: Singapore. I used to see it on postcards and dream of setting foot there: the idea that I could do so on a World Cruise is so awesome!
KR: All of them! But particularly Kangaroo Island in Australia.